Hygiena™ UltraSnap™ Surface ATP Test

Hygiena™ UltraSnap™ Surface ATP Test

Item # US2020

  • A user-friendly ATP surface test designed for use with Hygiena luminometers. This all-in-one test contains a pre-moistened swab bud for optimal sample recovery.
  • 100% recyclable plastic
  • 15 month shelf life at refrigerated temperatures
Alternate #US2020
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A unique liquid-stable reagent that provides superior reproducibility and robustness and Hygiena's patented Snap-Valve™ technology for easy activation. 4 week shelf life at room temperatures.

  • Premoistened swab bud.
  • Self-contained, liquid-stable reagent.
  • Tolerant to temperature abuse.
  • Test wet or dry surfaces and liquid samples.
  • Compatible luminometer: SystemSURE II, and Pi-102.